In March, my puppy was hit by a car and died. I was and still am so sad. It was a very traumatic experience since I saw the whole thing happen. It is incredibly emotional to have a living being die in your arms, especially one that was your baby. Even though she was a dog, she was my little shadow. No matter where I was in the house, she followed close behind. If she noticed I was gone from the room, she searched for my presence. Once when I went to St. George for the weekend, my roommate, Laura Dawn watched her. When I headed out, I put Sophie on my roommates bed (Sophie didn't realize that she was big enough to jump down) and I could see her leaning off the edge watching me leave. Laura Dawn said that after I left Sophie ran around the house looking for me. What better comfort than to know you are loved and cherished.
The sweetest puppy in the world was...
...a terrorizer of stuffed animals.
...a sock stealer.
"She steals my socks EVERY SINGLE DAY! -Laura Dawn
...a heart breaker
I have considered getting a new schnorkie but the commitment is a little more than I want to deal with right now. (I'm not a commitment-phobe by the way) Plus, the amount of time that goes into a puppy is incredible. It is somewhat like having a newborn. Wakings through the night, every few hours. Messes to clean up. Rushing home to feed and take outside. Walks. Trainings. I did love it though. She was worth all of the difficulties.
A friend of mine suggested that I consider fostering for the Humane Society of Utah. What a though! I would get to have a pet for a few weeks to a few months and then get to give them back. Last Friday, I emailed them and within an hour they responded with a need for a home for newborn kittens and their mother. I jumped at the chance and picked up a litter of 5 precious hamster sized kittens. Oh my!
The mother is such a sweetie. I call her Leeda but Laura Dawn calls her Tiger.
The little tiny one's eyes and ears aren't even open yet. They will start opening at about a week old which is tomorrow. They are so dear to have mewing in the corner of my room.
Fierce little things when it comes to sharing their milk.
Ha, ha. I love that they are starting to get control of their limbs. If anybody wants to come see my little darlings, let me know. They truly are God's work and a beauty to see.
Pick me! I want to come see them. So cute! Look at that mama sleep with all of those kittens eating on her. So fun! How long do you get to keep them?