1. Absolutely #1 is that I am dating a wonderful man, who makes me super happy and causes a permagrin. We've been dating about a month and it just keeps getting better.
2. Sweets. I love sweets and can really pack in the sugar. Brownies, cupcakes (One Sweet Slice in particular), cookies, jelly bellys, raisinets... yum!
3. Actually, I just love eating in general. Top foods:
Corndogs (the 1st Tuesday of the month at school)
Sweet potato fries
Chips and salsa
Taco truck tacos
Licorice caramels
Jelly Bellys
4. Running & Ultimate Frisbee
5. Sara Bareilles (good music in general)
6. General Conference
7. Kids
8. Laughing. Recently, I was told by someone that I laugh too much. Although they took it back later, it made me a little self conscious about my laughter. I do laugh a lot and I love that I laugh a lot. Life is meant to be enjoyed and sometimes its between crying and laughing. I choose laughing.
My friend's 8 year old boy overheard me lamenting to his mom about the worry I had about my laughing and he promptly replied "Kellie, you do laugh too much, and I love it every time I hear you laugh." How precious is that?! It made me overcome any fears that I had of letting myself laugh and joke. If he thought so much of me then I didn't care what anyone else thought.
9. Books. Books that I can't put down. The smell of the pages and the feel in your hands. Isn't it the best when you just love a book so much all you want to do is read. And then it ends and there is that bittersweet moment where you just want to keep living in the characters world and see where their lives continue, but a sigh escapes because you feel so pleased at where it ended. Mmmm! Joy!
10. My family - especially my nephew Avram and my 2 new twin neices Clara and Ivy. I adore these little ones! I can't even explain how much I love them and the excitement I get when I talk about them or know I will get to see them soon. I think my friends would get sick of my talking about Avram constantly for at least a week after I would return from a visit to Portland.
11. Traveling. I LOVE to travel and see new places, return to places I've been and visit family and friends in different towns. I am a hyper-planner and create my own maps and lists of places we might want to visit and tour, but then when we are there we can leisurely traverse the city and see where we end up using the crazy Kellie maps. In October I am going to Washington, D.C. to visit Laura Dawn (my best friend) and then the two of us are going to New York, NY for a few days then Boston, MA to visit Nate Justis who is at Harvard (I'm friends with a Harvard masters student! What?!)
In the future, I am dying to go to Italy, Ireland, Alaska again, and to tour all of the United States. The future looks bright :-)
12. Learning. This may sound general, but I really do love learning so many different things. I'm very much a DIYer and I've tried many a random past time:
Furniture Refinishing
Wreath Making
Party Planning- New Years Eve!
I'm sure I will continue to DIY but I have also done enough that I am glad to find someone else who will do things for me. Thank goodness for electricians.
13. My home. I've been in my home 3 1/2 years and slowly but surely, I have added details to it that have made it more homey. It is cozy and comfortable, though not always tidy and clean, but that is exactly the way I want it. I want people to feel welcome and at ease in my home.
14. My chiropractor.
15. To Do lists (which goes right along with organizing too)
Whether or not I have a running "To Do" list is also indicative of how good I am feeling. I have recently been diagnosed with hypothyroidism & have had ZERO motivation to do anything. I didn't even realize it over this summer, but I wasn't exercising as much and I didn't really plan very many projects to do, which is not like me at all. Today though I made a to do list again. Maybe I'll overcome this hypothyroidism thing.
16. Freshly laundered sheets under soft, clean feet.
17. Sleep
18. If I could meet anyone, I think it might be Mr. Rogers.
"Love isn't a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like 'struggle.' To love someone is to strive to accept that person the way he or she is, right here and now."
-Fred Rogers
"There are three ways to ultimate success:
The first is to be kind.
The second is to be kind.
The third is to be kind.
-Fred Rogers
"Because deep down we know that what matters in this life is much more than winning for ourselves. What really matters is helping others win, too, even if it means slowing down and changing our course now and then." - Fred Rogers
Ok, I only got 18 for now, but I am going to try to do this on a monthly or weekly basis. We'll see how that goes. :-)
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