
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

American Baby

Guess what!? Apparently, I am a mother!

I love to read magazines and browse the beautiful pages of Better Homes and Garden and Sunset. That is where my creative juices start to mull, when opening the pages full of home decor and adventures yet to be. Then one day, instead of the excitement of accessorizing and travel, there was American Baby magazine. Hmmm. Lets see the checklist to see if I qualify for this:
  • Have a baby -no
  • Have a husband -no
  • Have any prospects even for dating -nope
Is it a sign? I really am searching for that miracle. The seemingly impossible find of 2 people actually having the same amount of interest in one another. :-)

Its kind of fun to read anyway. Look at this amazing PatemmPad. Folds up into a small carrying bag to cary everything you need for changing your baby. Quick and easy, down and dirty. It's $63 at Patemm, but you could easily find a similar changing pad elsewhere. My sister-in-law found one at TJMaxx and their prices are amazing!!

Here's a cute make your own Folding Changing Pad:
Turns into this adorable purse:

I love this idea. Even I get bored with how slow the service is. A roll-up silicone place mat that your child can color from Modern-Twist for $20. I love it. And it has birds on it!

...or make them yourself by following one of these blogger's instructions:

I would also think that you could make your own by laminating any picture that you want.


  1. Ha ha. Congrats! That is a miracle which truly amazes and evades me- so far, at least. That changing pad really is cute.

  2. Maybe it means you're supposed to make all of those things for Donovan...or maybe you're just getting ready for the next-next stage of life. I liked to read marriage books before I got married, and baby magazines before I had a I like to read...the Primary manual? Not sure what that means. But those are really cute things. I see a crafty-mom in your future. (And a foreign, alien if you will, husband. :))
